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Tuesday, 9 February 2016
10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness (Tips For Memorable Times With Families And Friends.)
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The aim of a family fun night is to have 'fun'! So, do not pick a board game that's too hard for your kid's age, or one that you detest playing. Selecting a game for family game night may be a little tricky if you have kids at different developmental stages. Begin by playing one that your youngest child definitely may play.
10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness
Tips For Memorable Times With Families And Friends.
Chapter 1:
Scrabble is a popular game that's been loved by families for generations. You are able to use Scrabble in your home school or in your classroom to teach spelling skills. Think "off the board" a bit and you are able to utilize the letter tiles to help all youngsters learn to be better spellers.
Chapter 2:
Utilize your brainy deductive skills to work out which suspicious character killed Mr. Body and how and where the murder was perpetrated.
Chapter 3:
Sorry is a classic board game first popularized in the United States of America in 1934.
Chapter 4:
Chinese Checkers
If you aren't in the mood for the deep engrossment of chess and you'd like to play with more than 2 individuals as in regular checkers, then Chinese checkers might be the game for you. This stirring board game, in which you try to move all your pieces into your opponent's region before he can move his into yours, may be played with up to 6 players and learned in a minimal amount of time. Its star-shaped board, colored pieces and fast-paced play will hold your attention.
Chapter 5:
Chutes and Ladders
Chutes and Ladders is a classic up-and-down board game where participants race to make it to the last square.
Chapter 6:
Game of Life
The Game of Life is a Milton Bradley classic. It's a board game that’s been loved by millions of individuals since the sixties. Nowadays, the game is played in 20 different languages and lets players learn about the assorted stages of life as they collect skills in risk-taking, finance, and decision-making. If you are seeking a game for a rainy day, or something to do at a party, this is a winner.
Chapter 7:
Among the most fantastic things about chess is that you are able to play as ambitious a game with an 8 - year - old youngster, as you will be able to with an eighty year old golden ager.
Chapter 8:
Hold in mind that the elemental goal is to have the most revenue and assets at the end of the game.
Chapter 9:
Twister is a classic game played in homes for decades- families, acquaintances and partygoers all have stories to tell involving intriguing mutations of the game. Whether you have lost the directions or you are trying to settle a conflict after Thanksgiving Day dinner, this will help you brush up on your Twister game.
Chapter 10:
Candy Land
Candyland is a fun, easy board game for youngsters designed to help with color identification.
Monday, 8 February 2016
Social Media Power
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Social media – it is probably the most phenomenal invention ever conceived by man since
the birth of the World Wide Web. And even though earlier versions of online communication
have flourished since the earliest days of the internet, nothing compares to the versatility,
ease of use, and fun factor of social media.
So what is social media? These are websites that are designed to allow people to connect to
one another in a unique and brand new way. Users can keep their contacts updated round
the clock. Graduating from the primitive text-form updates, users of modern social media
sites can now also upload photos, video clips, slideshows, and music.
Some of the most illustrious examples of social media include Facebook and Twitter.
The trend of social media created something unprecedented in history – an online social
community composed of millions of users around the globe. With social media, you have the
power to reach people anywhere on the globe where there is internet connection.
And the world of business and commerce is not slow to realize the profit potential of social
media. Businessmen and investors quickly realized the huge potential that social media
holds. They are particularly interested in the ability of social media sites to reach almost
Yes, businessmen saw social media as a potential advertisement channel – a powerful
advertisement channel that might rival the influence of television advertisement.
Now, businessmen are effectively using social media sites to advertise their products and
services. They also use social media to gather useful information which they can use for
their marketing strategies.
For instance, businessmen can use social media sites to perform a low cost survey
campaign. Never before in the history of business has surveying been as cost effective.
Moreover, social media sites allowed businessmen to reach more people than ever before.
But for a social media site to serve its purpose, one must know how to use it properly. Take
note that social media is a double-edged sword. If wielded correctly, it can propel your
business upwards. If used wrongly, the effect can be the opposite.
And that is why we offer you this eBook. In this eBook, you will find 200 unique and useful
tips that will help you make use of social media in the most effective way possible. With this
eBook, you will be able to use Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube as effectively as successful
businesses do.
So let us get started…
Sustainable Green Living
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Save as Much Power as Possible
Chapter 4
Cut Back on the Use of Paper Products
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Organic Gardening & Lawn Care
Chapter 7
Additional Tips to Help you Live Green
Chapter 8
Chapter 1
With all the information out there in the news and on the internet most people are at least aware of pollution problems. The issue is more serious in some areas but the fact remains that we all contribute to it. The concern is that with more people on Earth now and more pollution we are harming our environment.
Since we breath the air that is out there what is in it should be a top concern for each of us. Yet we often go about it without thinking twice about it. There are enough individuals suffering from health concerns due to what they have been breathing in for years.
With all of the pollutants out there right now, imagine what it will be like for future generations. You may don’t care must as you won’t be around. Yet you will have family who will need to deal with the problems. Even y our own children and grandchildren who are the next generations will be affected by it.
Each of us has the power to make some positive changes though. Some people believe that living green is a waste of time because you are only one person. Yet if the educational information out there about it could encourage many individuals to all do their part it would have quite a significant impact overall.
The efforts of only one person over the course of their lifetime will significantly reduce the amount of pollution out there. Teaching children from a young age what they can do and why will allow that process to continue being implemented in our society as well.
We also have the responsibility to let the government and businesses know that we expect them to take action. Buy what you can from companies that due have plenty of living green concepts incorporated for customers to take advantage of. At the same time you need to influence your government to place laws in effect that limit the amount of pollution that can be emitted by a company as well as by individual vehicles on the roads.
If you are ready to start living green and to do your part to reduce the carbon footprints you have placed on this Earth it is time to learn about the various ways you can do so. It is never too late to make some positive changes to your behaviors so that you can live healthier and so can everyone around you.
Tattoos and Tattoo Design
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Where to Find Tattoo Designs
Important Tips about Becoming a Tattoo Artist
Angel Tattoo Designs For Anyone
Choosing the Right Tattoo Design
Customized Tattoo Designs
Design Consultations for Tattoos
Finding the Right Tattoo Artist
Finding an Apprenticeship to Become a Tattoo Artist
Getting to Know Your Tattoo Artist
Getting Tattoos Done At A Tattoo School
Heart Tattoo Designs
How to be a Successful Tattoo Artist
How to Become a Tattoo Artist
How to Choose a Tattoo Artist to Learn From
How to Choose the Best Tattoo Design
Where to Learn to Be a Tattoo Artist
Popular Tattoos for Women
Preliminary Requirements for a Tattoo Artist
Skull Tattoo Designs Aren't New
Tattoo Designs Especially for Women
Tattoo Designs Online
Tips for Designing Tattoos for Clients
Tips for Tattoo Design Making
Tips for Working with a Tattoo Artist for Your Design
Tribute Tattoo Designs
Where to Find Tattoo Designs
If you cannot find the design you want from among those you see in the tattoo parlors, what are you
supposed to do? You do not want a custom design but you want something that is unique and different
from the designs you have seen. It can be frustrating, especially if you do not know exactly what you
want. You cannot define what you want but you know you will recognize it when you see it. Is there an
easier way to find tattoo designs than going from shop to shop hoping that something will call out to
Thanks to the Internet, you can look through thousands of different tattoo designs and find the one that
appeals to you. You will find everything from animals to even logos from various family sects such as the
Celts, Scots and others. You will also find many other common organizations featured, and the designs
are online you can take as long as you want to look through everything available before you locate the
design that appeals to you the most. You will find many different sites that have tattoo designs available
which gives you a wider selection from which to choose than by going to the tattoo shops and looking
around. For the most part the shops are only going to offer those designs most commonly requested, so
their selection is more limited than what you can find online.
Once you find the design you want, how do you obtain that design in order to take it to a tattoo artist?
In most cases, you can print the design you want from your home computer and take it with you to the
tattoo artist. There is no guarantee which tattoo artist will be able to provide the tattoo design you want
but at least you know what you want and you only need to find the artist that can do what you want.
Make sure you choose someone who is experienced so that your design will come out the way you want
it or you may find yourself struggling with the results because it does not look like it did in the picture.
You have to allow some leeway when you are asking for something that is different from what the
tattoo shop normally does but there is no reason you should not still receive high quality work.
Important Tips about Becoming a Tattoo Artist
Just because you are a good artists does not necessarily mean you will make a good tattoo artist. There
is a big difference between creating a picture on paper or canvas and doing it on someone’s skin. For
one thing, you have to be careful and make certain the tools you use are clean and sterile in order to
prevent your customer from developing an infection. Whether you open your own tattoo parlor or go to
work for someone else, you must be certain to protect your own reputation. If the tools you are using
are not sterile, do not use them even if it means losing your job—it is better to lose your job than be
sued because someone developed an infection.
Not all of the tattoos you will provide will be from the drawings your shop has available. Sometimes
customers will want custom designs, but until you have enough experience to know you can do what the
customer wants, do not attempt it. You can ask another tattoo artist in your shop to do it and refer the
customer to another shop you know does custom designs. The skin on a customer’s body is not the
place to practice your art skills and although custom designs are all likely to be something you have not
attempted, they should at least be similar to something you have already done before you attempt to
do that tattoo. Your customer is paying a good price for your services, so if you are not sure you can do
what they want be honest and let him or her know that.
Unstoppable FB Traffic - Learn The Most Effective Facebook Marketing Strategies
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Why Facebook?
Facebook Is Viral
Tapping Into The Global Market
Reaching Their Target Audience Directly
Finding More Information About Their Target Audience
Driving Traffic To Their Website
Chapter 2 – The Fan Page Craze
Everyone Has A Fan Page!
The Power Of “Like”
How To Create An Irresistible Fan page
What To Publish On Your Facebook Fan page
Chapter 3 – Facebook Advertising
How To Setup Facebook Ads
Target Your Advertisement
Create Facebook Compliant Ads
Tracking The Progress Of Your Facebook Ad Campaign
When Is The Best Time To Post Ads On Facebook?
Setting the Maximum Bid
CPC vs. CPM: Which is Better?
Chapter 4 – Go Further With Facebook Connect
Add The “Like” Button To Your Site
Ensure That The “Like” Button Also Enables Comments
Higher CTR For “Like” Button With Photos
Put The “Like” Button At The Right Location
Adding Activity Feed To Your Site
Allowing Members To Log In To Your Site With Facebook
Chapter 5 – Other Facebook Marketing Strategies
Create Facebook Groups
Hosting Facebook Events
Facebook Marketplace
Facebook Apps
Facebook Contest
Chapter 1
Why Facebook?
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
“Why should I market on Facebook?” This question is often asked by online marketers who are unconvinced or undecided about the profitability of this social networking website as a marketing tool. “After all,” they say, “Facebook is nothing more than just a website where family and old friends can re-connect, right?” This kind of thinking is not only dangerous, it can be costly as well, especially considering just how much power Facebook wields in the consumerist world today.
In the past years, Facebook has quickly grown from being a social networking website for college students in the United States to being the most popular site, surpassing even Google in terms of visitor hits. In fact, people users spend a total of 6 billion minutes on this website on a daily basis, which is twice as much time that they spend using the search engine. Today, there are over 500 million users on the website, comprising a large chunk of the population that is ready and willing to pay for any goods and services they perceive to be worth the price. In fact, more than half of the people who do online shopping actually have Facebook accounts. Far from slowing down, this number is projected to rise even more in the coming years, especially if the developers of the social networking website continue
to make innovations to the website that will make people keep coming back for more. Like it or not, Facebook is now here to stay.
The fact that a large percentage of their target audience is now on Facebook has not been lost on online marketers. Recognizing the potential of this website to boost their sales, a lot of marketers are now using this website not only to drive traffic to their website, but also to increase brand awareness. This is because Facebook allows them to do the following.
Wrinkle Reverse(How To Look 10 Years Younger on a Budget)
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1. How and Why Skin Ages
2. Know Your Own Skin Type
3. Treating Oily Skin
4. Treating Dry Skin
5. Double Whammy - Combination Skin
6. How to Protect Your Skin
7. The Sun and Your Skin
8. Skin Creams and Wrinkles
9. Good Nutrition and Your Complexion
10. How Free Radicals Damage Skin Cells
11. Vitamin C and Skin Care
12. Is Dermabrasion Right for Your Skin
13. Chemical Skin Peels
14. Skin Care from the Inside Out
15. Facelifts and Other Skin Procedures
16. Resources
Chapter 1. How and Why Skin Ages
For as long as one can remember, it has always been the pursuit of many to keep their
youthful looks, even at great costs. And in this day and age, the trend has not changed.
Now more than ever, methods, techniques and treatments meant to retain that “youthful
glow” proliferate everywhere. As it is the most tell-tale sign of getting old, anti-ageing
goods and services account for billions of dollars spent in the hopes of delaying the onset
of skin ageing
Unfortunately, many have been and are misinformed on how and why the skin ages
misleading these same people into buying products that only offer short-lived, if not
unsuccessful and disappointing, results.
It is therefore only smart to know just how the skin develops over time. In understanding
the hows and whys of ageing skin, the correct habits and treatments can then be
developed to retain as much one’s youthful looks for as long a time as possible.
First off, there are two types of ageing for the skin. There is the intrinsic (internal) ageing,
which is caused by factors within one’s own body, such as genes and body condition; and
extrinsic (external) ageing, which is caused by factors outside one’s body, such as sunlight
and lifestyle.
Thursday, 28 January 2016
Common Eye Ailments You May Be Able to Care for at Home
As our eyes are so important, it is always best to seek advice and counsel from a trained doctor in the area of eye care and vision. However, the ailments listed below may be simply treatable at home.
The Common Sty
While a sty may be all too common, it is equally as much of a nuisance. It is typically an inflammation where one of the glands of the eyelid has become infected.
A sty usually resembles a pimple on the eyelid and can irritate quite a bit. Sometimes a sty is so big that it can give the appearance of a closed eyelid.
Typically, hot compresses several times per day for a few days will clear up any issues stemming from a sty. If it does not clear within a few days, an antibiotic may be necessary.
Dry Eye
When tears do not flow properly, the eye is deprived of many natural and necessary ingredients such as:
* Water
* Oil
* Moisture
* Lubricants
* Oil
* Moisture
* Lubricants
Dry eyes may occur when there is an improper balance of the tear duct system. Itching, burning, redness, as well as a feeling of something being in the eye could all be as a result of dry eyes. Sometimes the body’s natural response to dry eyes is to send more tears; however, this is counter-productive as those tears may be lacking in moisture, proteins, and lubricants to get rid of dry eyes.
Factors such as aging or medication are possible contributors to dry eyes. Sometimes high heat and low humidity settings are responsible, and lowering the thermostat and producing more humidity in your home may alleviate symptoms of dry eyes.
Also, there are over-the-counter lubricants which may assist in effectively healing dry eyes, at least until you can get to see your doctor.
Something in Your Eye
We all get something in our eyes from time to time and this can be irritating, at best. Try blinking several times to see if you can move the foreign substance down into your field of vision so that you may remove it manually. Sometimes an eyelash can feel like a log when it is in your eye.
An eye wash with an eye cup found over the counter, water, your clean finger or an eye irrigating solution are all options to try to remove something from your eye.
Always be careful to use clean items when coming into contact with your eye and try not to scratch your cornea. This can feel like something major is in your eye until the swelling comes down.
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10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Happiness (Tips For Memorable Times With Families And Friends.)
Buy now Table Of Contents Foreword The aim of a family fun night is to have 'fun'! So, do not pick a board game that's too ...
The NairaBet Affiliates Programme gives you the chance to earn loads of money risk-free and our generous reward plan allows you to keep on...
Buy now Contents Where to Find Tattoo Designs Important Tips about Becoming a Tattoo Artist Angel Tattoo Designs For Anyone Choosing the ...
Scenario Paintball This is a paintball game with a theme set up behind it: there are an endless number of themes that can be created makin...